GCASA Membership
For new clubs to join the Gloucester County ASA formal approval must be sought through a GCASA Executive Meeting in line with the Gloucester County ASA Constitution.
Clubs must contact the County Secretary and advise of their intent to become a Member Club and plan for the need for Gloucester County ASA Executive approval.
Please bear in mind that Gloucester County Executive Meetings occur in January, March, September and November; however it may be possible to approve new clubs after a Gloucester County ASA AGM which is in May.
Once a member, if a club meets the criteria outlined below, they may be eligible for a County Grant (these are not given out every year, but the club would be eligible should they be available:
From 2025, grants (if the decision is to issue them) will be given out in September each year based on the following criteria:
1. Nominated Representatives will attend the AGM in person or zoom.
2. Nominated Representatives will attend at least 50% of the 4 Exec Meetings wef September.2024
3. Clubs will also be required to support the County at events.