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Gloucester County ASA

Promoting the development of ALL aquatic disciplines throughout the Gloucester County area

GCASA Membership

For new clubs to join the Gloucester County ASA formal approval must be sought through a GCASA Executive Meeting in line with the Gloucester County ASA Constitution.

Clubs must contact the County Secretary and advise of their intent to become a Member Club and plan for the need for Gloucester County ASA Executive approval.

Please bear in mind that Gloucester County Executive Meetings occur in January, March, September and November; however it may be possible to approve new clubs after a Gloucester County ASA AGM which is in May.

Once a member, if a club meets the criteria outlined below, they may be eligible for a County Grant (these are not given out every year, but the club would be eligible should they be available:

From 2025, grants (if the decision is to issue them) will be given out in September each year based on the following criteria:

1. Nominated Representatives will attend the AGM in person or zoom.
2. Nominated Representatives will attend at least 50% of the 4 Exec Meetings wef September.2024
3. Clubs will also be required to support the County at events.